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Cloud & Data Engineer
UBS · Zurich (Switzerland)

Cloud and Data Engineer focused on NLP.
I developed with a team of 10+ people a Search Engine and an AI Assistant for lawyers and legal experts. I take care of the software engineering and the architectural part on Azure (cloud).
I take care of the release managament of the product, ensuring security and compliance policies.
Interaction with customers and business partners; participation to Hackathon and innovation workshops.

Main achievements:

• I designed and implemented a custom text chunker to improve text segmentation and accuracy on the search engine.

• I designed and implemented a custom Langchain Memory class for an improved semantic context management of the AI Assistant

• One of the 10 finalists (out of 237 teams) participating in the Internal Hackathon

May 2023 - now
Machine Learning Engineer
NTT Data Italia · Naples (Italy)

Machine Learning Engineer focused on Artificial Intelligence and NLP.
I designed and developed AI products and innovative solutions, taking care of the software engineering and the architectural part.
Team lead on several projects, interacting with customers and business partners.Participation to fairs and expositions launch

Main achievements:

• I designed and implemented a microservices architecture for two internal assets which are used by 15+ customers.

• I designed a Table-of-Content comparison algorithm through linear optimization model and string similarity.

• I designed an innovative NLP pipeline based on sentiment and generative models to improve user experience in chatbots & voicebots.

May 2018 - April 2023
Software Development Engineer
Freelance · Salerno (Italy)

Development of websites for professionals (portfolios and blogs);
Design of a in-house video surveillance system, with some AI contributions.

Main achievements:

• I designed a generic website layout template to reduce website prototyping time by 50%.

• I designed a custom bed fall detection algorithm (~85% accuracy) to improve the alerting capability of the video surveillance system.

March 2020 - now
Master's Degree - Computer Engineering
Università degli Studi di Salerno · Fisciano, Salerno (Italy)

Skills acquired: Semantic technologies, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Network Security, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Vision, Sistributed programming.
Thesis work: The work was focused on pattern recognition and pattern prediction on signatures. I proposed a new approach to estimate the writing order of signatures.

Main achievements:

• Thesis published as a conference and journal paper

• Grade Point Average: 29.62 / 30

Oct 2015 - Feb 2018
Bachelor's Degree - Computer Engineering
Università degli Studi di Salerno · Fisciano, Salerno (Italy)

Skills acquired: Object Oriented Programming; Automatic Controls; Internet and Network stacks; Mathematics, Statistics,Telecommunications and Physics fundamentals.
Thesis work: The work was focused on the design and implementation of a gesture recognition system on a Kinect sensor. I proposed a new feature extraction method for gestures.

Oct 2011 - Jun 2015



Impact of Writing Order Recovery in Automatic Signature Verification
June 2022 · Conference: 20th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS2021) At: Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, Spain
Moises Diaz · Gioele Crispo · Antonio Parziale · Angelo Marcelli · Miguel A. Ferrer
Writing Order Recovery in Complex and Long Static Handwriting
March 2021 · International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence – IJIMAI
Moises Diaz · Gioele Crispo · Antonio Parziale · Angelo Marcelli · Miguel A. Ferrer
Tracking the Ballistic Trajectory in Complex and Long Handwritten Signatures
August 2018 · Conference: 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR) At: Niagara Falls, USA
Gioele Crispo · Moises Diaz · Angelo Marcelli · Miguel A. Ferrer


Programming Languages

Data Science — with AI Frameworks, numpy, pandas, g-unicorn, aiohttp, Flask and others for making microservices
Backend and Frontend — NodeJS, VueJS; use of NodeJS to create NodeVM sandboxed microservices in javascript
Backend — Spring, Spring Boot, Javadoc, Stream, Eureka, Swagger codegen, microservices
Data Science — Master's degree thesis strongly focused on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
Computer Vision — OpenCV based bachelor's degree thesis
Generic use — Some project focused on CV and IoT made on Raspberry Pi 3
Databases — used for many projects
Frontend — used with VueJS

Data Science and AI Frameworks

Tensorflow, Keras
NLP and Audio Projects
PyTorch, FastAI
NLP projects — GPU optimized
BERT, Scikit-learn
NLP projects
Elastic Stack
Big Data — Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, MetricBeat, FileBeat

General Frameworks

Spring 5.X, Spring Boot 2.X
Enterprise Java — MVC and Reactor, REST, Hibernate, String Security, Spring Data
NodeJS 10.X, VueJS 2.X
Backend and Frontend


AWS Services
Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, EC2, Kinesis, SageMaker — and other stuff of AI projects.
MongoDB, MariaDB
Data storages — for multi-clustered cloud architectures
RabbitMQ, ZMQ, Kafka
Message Brokers, Data stream — used in high rate cloud architectures
Docker, Kubernetes
Deployment — Containers, PODS, microservices

Project Management tools

Git, SVN
Source version control
Jira, Redmine
Agile development — with Issues / Bugs tracking

Communication capabilities

Focused on team and cooperation

Organisational / managerial skills

Careful in meeting deadlines
Goal oriented
Projected on the goal, but also giving importance to the details
Team leader in several projects

Driving Licence

A1, B
Driving licence for car and scooter with 125 cc max


LanguageListeningReadingSpoken InteractionSpoken ProductionWriting

Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user - (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages