Gioele Crispo
Know Me More
Hi! I'm Gioele Crispo,
a computer engineer, technology enthusiast and electronic expert since childhood.
I graduated with honors in Computer Engineering and I am actively collaborating with my University on interesting topics.
Today I work as Software Development and Machine Learning Engineer; I am team leader and I also design innovative solutions and architectures, addressing them at 360 degrees, with an eye to DevOps, Cloud Architecting and Web technologies.
I pursue a number of personal projects, participate to hackathons and contribute to open source software. My other hobbies include electronics, photography, graphics, videogames and music.
Gioele Crispo
Salerno, Italy
19 Jun 1993
Works and Experiences
Current job
May 2023 - now
Cloud and Data Engineer focused on NLP.
I developed with a team of 10+ people a Search Engine and an AI Assistant for lawyers and legal experts. I take care of the software engineering and the architectural part on Azure (cloud).
I take care of the release managament of the product, ensuring security and compliance policies.
Interaction with customers and business partners; participation to Hackathon and innovation workshops.
Main achievements:
• I designed and implemented a custom text chunker to improve text segmentation and accuracy on the search engine.
• I designed and implemented a custom Langchain Memory class for an improved semantic context management of the AI Assistant
• One of the 10 finalists (out of 237 teams) participating in the Internal Hackathon